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Friday, July 28, 2006

That's Why Megan!

So how was your day?

Here is how mine went:

I get to work, start my day everything is going good for about oh 30 minutes. Then I am told we have a major quality issue. I am materials so I don't worry to much about it. By 9:00 am I am in a conference call pulling shit out of my ass of how we are going to recover. At 10:00 am I am in another meeting reguritating what I had pulled out of my ass an hour earlier. At 12:00 I am telling them how I am going to do what I pulled out of my ass. Then I have to make it work. I would like to thank Bill and Schiller for helping me out. I gave them tasks and they did a great job setting them up.

I have this shitty supplier who works backwards(it is 128 S for those who would understand). They are in no big hurry to get these parts out. They aren't even sure what they have or how to fix it. Well isn't that ducky! Why don't you take all day it's no big deal if Ford can't build pick ups! I am sure they will laugh about it; as they kick my ass! Infact why don't you guys take the rest of the day off. I am sure you have worked hard enough staring at the piece of glass all day.

So all of these shipments I set up today and promised Ford would be out on time are now late. Great! Can't wait for the conference call in the morning where they call me a liar.
I have parts that were supposed to be ready hours ago that aren't and I have a toothless hillbilly from Newaygo who locked the keys and the parts in the van! Why couldn't he of locked himself in the van with the keys and parts on the outside. That would be much more entertaining to watch as he is baffled by the door handles and their complexity. I bet he would like baking in that van. Hell I would like him baking in that van and that is what matters here - that why it is my blog.

So now I am sitting in Newaygo while everyone else has gone home. I should be drinking beer right now with family but I can't! I have to make sure parts ship. I have to call everyone when they do. So I am alone. Like a Bachelor.

And that is why my blog is called Life as a Bachelor - Megan!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Money Grubbing Women Love Geeks

So today I got my assessment for AGM classes. This means I take some classes then I get put in the pool at Magna for Assistant General Manager. Kind of cool. During the assessment it reinforced my belief I am a dork. Every class that was offered I signed up for. The instructor who did the assessment said I didn't have to sign up for so many classes. What he meant was "Hey geek, knock it off so some other people can take some classes." He also said " are confident but modest..." That means "you are a big geek"

So Rod and I start our first class tomorrow. Rod is one of my roommates. He would be the Payner of 17F a definite hillbilly, but he shows skills. Any way we went down to the pub to study. Then we found out it was kareoke night. Bad night to study at the pub. Some people just need to know when to quit; or not go up at all. I try to give people credit for trying. Not this time. We have friends for a reason: to tell us when we are acting like assholes. This chick obviously has no friends.
Rod brings up the point that woman are starting to hit on him at the plant. I told him it was because of his money and power. He says it is b/c he treats women with respect. So we ask the waitress. She says definitely the money, but only power if there is money to back it up. Ladies she is not doing you any favors.
Guys sorry I have not done more to my blog. I promise I will work on it as soon as I get a chance. I will try to update as often as possible.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Life As A Bachelor or How Donkey got his name

here is my first post. I am staying with some guys I work with. We are staying in Allendale. yes good old Allendale. It is just like 17F, well except the house is clean and big and we all get up at a decent hour every day. I will try to fill you in on our wierd life here at the pad. If you looked in our fridge it is nothing but bottled water and beer. My room has a futon matress and I have a tv on a crate.
Most nights we get home talk about our day go to the pub( a great place that was not here when we were) talk like we are going to hit on the waitresses, have dinner, then we go home and call our wives. Yes we are all whooped.
Tonight George is working on a database. I am trying to clean my posison ivy and work just called. Shocker! Sunday night and we already have issues. My real issue is having a hill billy who doesn't have a clue how to manage his way our of his own bag of chew. His name is greg but we call him Donkey. Donkey got his name by his rank breathe, yet it is that bad. If you are with in 5 feet of him, you will have to put somthing in front of your face. If I don't get a call every other night from him, he is on vacation and someone more qualified is covering for him.
Well that is enough for now. Later