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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Life As A Bachelor or How Donkey got his name

here is my first post. I am staying with some guys I work with. We are staying in Allendale. yes good old Allendale. It is just like 17F, well except the house is clean and big and we all get up at a decent hour every day. I will try to fill you in on our wierd life here at the pad. If you looked in our fridge it is nothing but bottled water and beer. My room has a futon matress and I have a tv on a crate.
Most nights we get home talk about our day go to the pub( a great place that was not here when we were) talk like we are going to hit on the waitresses, have dinner, then we go home and call our wives. Yes we are all whooped.
Tonight George is working on a database. I am trying to clean my posison ivy and work just called. Shocker! Sunday night and we already have issues. My real issue is having a hill billy who doesn't have a clue how to manage his way our of his own bag of chew. His name is greg but we call him Donkey. Donkey got his name by his rank breathe, yet it is that bad. If you are with in 5 feet of him, you will have to put somthing in front of your face. If I don't get a call every other night from him, he is on vacation and someone more qualified is covering for him.
Well that is enough for now. Later


At 1:18 AM, Blogger Enfuego Miguel said...

Welcome to the darkside. Isn't it nice? I hope that you will post more frequently than I do, or your wife for that matter :)

At 11:24 AM, Blogger Heather said...

Yeah, your wife doesn't understand the meaning of the term "update."

Miss you, Adam!

At 6:52 PM, Blogger Em said...

Hey, I am busy living the life of a bachelorette.... or something to that nature, I will update now bastards.

At 7:09 PM, Blogger Em said...


At 11:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i will do my best. It is cool that you posted so quickly.

At 4:43 AM, Blogger Enfuego Miguel said...

I have no life, so therefore I can comment w/o a new post of my own.


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