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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Money Grubbing Women Love Geeks

So today I got my assessment for AGM classes. This means I take some classes then I get put in the pool at Magna for Assistant General Manager. Kind of cool. During the assessment it reinforced my belief I am a dork. Every class that was offered I signed up for. The instructor who did the assessment said I didn't have to sign up for so many classes. What he meant was "Hey geek, knock it off so some other people can take some classes." He also said " are confident but modest..." That means "you are a big geek"

So Rod and I start our first class tomorrow. Rod is one of my roommates. He would be the Payner of 17F a definite hillbilly, but he shows skills. Any way we went down to the pub to study. Then we found out it was kareoke night. Bad night to study at the pub. Some people just need to know when to quit; or not go up at all. I try to give people credit for trying. Not this time. We have friends for a reason: to tell us when we are acting like assholes. This chick obviously has no friends.
Rod brings up the point that woman are starting to hit on him at the plant. I told him it was because of his money and power. He says it is b/c he treats women with respect. So we ask the waitress. She says definitely the money, but only power if there is money to back it up. Ladies she is not doing you any favors.
Guys sorry I have not done more to my blog. I promise I will work on it as soon as I get a chance. I will try to update as often as possible.


At 6:06 AM, Blogger Em said...

Laughing.... laughing hard... Rod... treating women with respect?

At 6:10 AM, Blogger Em said...

I take that back, Rod always trys to "watch his mouth" when I am around. also, I am not in it for the money, so where does that leave me?


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