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Friday, October 13, 2006

What's Love got to do with it?

So, I have been going through some major life changes. In that we have had some questions on love. So I ask what is love to you? How do you know you love some one? How do you know they love you? Is there more than one person for each of us? Do you think you have a soul mate? Have you met that person?

I believe that love is what makes us who we are, the love our caregivers provide defines the type of person we will be come. It also sets the example of how we will love as adults. I believe there is more than one person for each of us. I believe that love with one person can be just as strong with another. I believe that we make a choice in who we are going to love even sub consciously knowing there maybe someone else some where down the road. Why b/c they make us happy, they believe in us at our weakest moments. They see our worst and they still love us.

I believe that if you ever find the type of love that my parents have you grab it as fast as you can and you never let go. My parents are getting close to 50. They love each other like they are 16. My Mom still gets a smile on her face when she speaks of him. My Dad still gets a twinkle in his eye when you mention her name. They kiss each other like it is the first, best and last kiss they will ever get. They touch just to touch and they fight just to make up. When everyone is sitting down to eat dinner they are standing at the table kissing and you can tell there is nothing else they would rather do. They believe that the other can do anything and the other always, always comes first.

So I ask you each of you what is love to you? Kramer? Mikie Moo? Megan? All of my in laws that don't comment, but I know you read it? Curneals? Tell me what is love to you?


At 9:33 PM, Blogger Em said...

love.... I love a lot of people. My family, close friends, etc. But that love love, the deep in your gut, makes you crazy when you don't know where they are, want to call them whenever anything happens, good or bad, big or small, hit rock bottom and you are glad they are the only person that saw the really bad parts, can't explain to them how much they really mean to you, how much you really love them.... I only have one of those. I honestly think that there is only one person out there FOR ME. Other people may find others, but I won't. There is only one person who I will let know all parts of me. That is love to me.

At 2:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Other than the love I have for my family, I don't know what love is. That whole love thing just has not happened for me yet. I'll let you know when it does.

At 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been giving your question a lot of thought. Even though I already knew the answer, my thinking confirmed it. Love to me is complicated. There are many kinds of love. There is the kind of love you feel for family and friends. There is the fairy-tale kind of love. I feel though, that those looking for that will be searching for a long time. There is the love you feel for a spouse. That is different from the others. It is special. There is work involved in this kind of love. When you see other people who are in love and you think, wow look at them, they must really love each other, you can be sure that they have in someway worked hard to maintain their relationship. So.....What is love to is a lot of things, compromise, sacrifice, understanding, confusing, exasperating, unique to each couple, fun, exciting, caring, enjoyable,....AND love is easier if you can understand and accept ALL that is required to fully love someone.

At 6:43 PM, Blogger Em said...

wow, that was awesome. I can totally agree.

At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it depends who 'anonymous' is.


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