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Monday, August 07, 2006

The Boys are Back in Town

George is back from vacation with Big Al and the Fam. He Rod and I decide to go to the Pub and catch up. After spending a 10 minutes laughing at Dave(Joe), we call him Dave, for getting caught pounding his pud, we went throught the rest of what was going on at work.

It is funny, there is nothing more important that the three of us caught up( Sorry wives & Cookie). We are sitting at the pub drinking Stella(Guys try it! it is good beer), talking shit and eating dinner. All of a sudden everything is right with the world. It is strange, we are all adults, but I guess, boys will be boys. We bond over beer and college girls. Then what do we do? Call our wives on the way home. We may be boys but we know where are bread is buttered.

Girls: lessoned learned: We are all talk.

Note: we go to the pub so much, the waitresses know who we are and what we like. It is sad. Oh well, the beer is still cold.


At 11:27 PM, Blogger Em said...

bullshit you called your wife on the way home...... I am her, I should know. I am glad you are happy. I will sleep much better tonight! I love you.

At 1:14 PM, Blogger Kramer said...

This is the 2nd time today I've seen someone mention Stella beer. What kind of beer is it?

At 11:07 PM, Blogger Still Searching....... said...

I did call you em!
Kramer, I only know it as Stella

At 12:56 AM, Blogger Enfuego Miguel said...

It is not sad that the waitress knows you, it is called being a regular. Steve the waiter at the Chicago Drive Pub knows our entire group, so you are not alone.


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